PRP skin rejuvenation
Does your skin colour seem to change from a lively, fresh, rosy hue to a duller, greyish tone? Do you feel your facial shape becomes slightly collapsed and droopy? Is your skin texture becoming less smooth? If you are unhappy and concerned about a “worn” and “aged” appearance, the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) skin rejuvenation, often referred to as Vampire Face Lift® or the Dracula Therapy could be the right anti-ageing treatment for you to look as fresh and lively again as you feel.
The PRP facelift treatment is an innovative, non-surgical approach based on using ingredients of your own blood and the body’s own healing process to rejuvenate and restore the skin. As part of the technique, the patient’s own blood gets processed and re-injected into the skin of the patient’s face in order to treat wrinkles and “rejuvenate” the face. The PRP treatment can help both restoring the shape, and improving the tone and texture, as well as generating new and younger tissue.
* Please note that individual results may vary. Results are not guaranteed.